Alex Witt Reports : MSNBCW : August 31, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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to unify america, all they are talking about is unify conservatives. even with the maga movements, they effectively unify the broad spectrum of conservatives in a way we have not seen in a couple decades. that is really a sign of things to come, i think. >> some of your footage captures the danger on january 6th. what was it like being in there and did you film inside the capitol, too? >> it was a wild day. you know, the attack on the u.s. capitol was an event that was planned. absolutely shocked completed because we cannot imagine it happening in the way that it did. we did not make hait inside the building. we were just in a tunnel inside the west terrace, that is as

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far as we followed chris getting. certainly the day was wild. what is often reported is the level of also camaraderie among the writers on the day, a surprising aspect that i didn'th fully anticipate. we sort of show this in the film, where after the evening of the sixth, they go back to the hotel and are having an after party, barbecuing in the street, sort of celebrating and talking about their exploits of the day. >> it is extraordinary. i have love talking with you, i wish you the best of luck with this film, homegrown. thank you so much for joining us. in just a few minutes, steve korn nike breaking down the shift for, harris in one battleground state. very good day to all of you from him as a bc world had go to new york.

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welcome to alex witt reports. we begin with decision 2024, and 66 days to election day and the countdown to the first e presidential debate. that is just 10 days from now. the harris campaign today pushing on social media to keep candidates microphones open during the entire debate. here is what harris walz co- chair , congresswoman jasmine crockett told me she expects to see on september 10th. >> what we will see is this whining child, who will sit there and won't give direct er answers. and honestly, will distract and be a bumbling fool. we have seen it on the trail, when he starts talking about wind and starts complaining about sharks. that is really weird. and off his rocker. meanwhile, donald trump todayd appears to be shifting positions on florida's abortion- rights ballot measure, now saying he will vote ioagainst i

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even though he told nbc news a six week ban is too short. here is senator elizabeth warren on trumpet's evolving position and his recent remarks on ivf. >> once more this is about the contrast. this is about what kind of a nation we are and want to be. donald trump, jd vance say here is what is going to look like. it's going to be pretty much a man in charge, women stay in the roles that we have set out for them, and nothing more. or we are going to be in america that says we embrace a lot of different kinds of families, that are put togetheri in a lot of different kinds of ways. and the harris campaign will kickoff a reproductive freedom bus tour in trumpet's hometown of palm beach. that will happen tuesday. trump also spoke yesterday at a moms for liberty event, and returned to his theme of america in decline. >> we are a nation in decline. we are. and it is because of the people

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that we have leading our at nation. we are a nation, you know, i say this and i said it a little bit in 2016, and i meant it. we had a bad border. but it was unbelievably good it compared to what we have now. >> we have several report is in place covering the development of the day for us. we will start with nbc's aaron gilchrist, he is in washington where vice president harris is r spending the weekend as well, before kicking off the campaign blitz on labor day, including an event with president biden. another welcome to you, my friend. harris campaign leading into carrying its message directly ou to different groups that it says are critical to a winning i coalition. how can we expect to see tim harris doing that as we enter ha the core of this campaign season? >> yeah, this idea of building a broad and diverse coalition

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of supporters has really been a main objective of the harris campaign. we saw some of e that thinking display at the democratic convention a couple of weeks nv ago. you are going to see a lot more of that going into next week and beyond, for example, on monday, labor day, the nominee d herself is going to be in detroit to rally union support i there. we are told she will meet with labor leaders and with workers there. that is before she meets with president biden, or ms. president biden in pittsburgh, i should say, for their first joint campaign appearance. they have had an official appearance, this will be their r first campaign appearance. we are told they are really going to try to highlight the importance of american workers and unions to building a strong middle-class. the vice president's running mate, governor tim walz, is going to speak at labor fest in milwaukee on labor day. there have been harris campaignr surrogates fanning out really all over the country, including florida congresswoman maxwell frost, who is the first gen z member of congress. he has been talking to college students and other young people in battleground states about issues that are important to su that age group, and his belief that harris has shown strong support for that age group. pp frost was on msnbc earlier today, talking about young people feeling like they are finally being heard. listen.

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>> we have been so neglected. but kamala harris does not care how young you are. she doesn't even care if you're old enough to vote yet. she wants to hear your voice if you are young person because she wants to fight the climate crisis. because she wants to get hethis housing crisis under wraps. because she understands that for young people, when do we le want to own a home so we can build wealth. she understands all the things we're going through. the reason why is because she asked us. >> young voters have also been a key demographic for the harris campaign to talk about rr reproductive freedoms. on tuesday the campaign is going to launch that reproductive freedom bus tour in palm beach, florida. former president trump's backyard, if you will. there is also a constitutional amendment on abortion on the dm ballot in for the. and the campaign really wants to tie former president trump to what it calls devastating impacts of the overturning of pa roe v wade on women. that same day, alex, we know the campaign has other surrogates that will t be in arizona talking about the same topic. and we are also going to see the first tv and digital

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advertising from a $300 million plus investment to try to carry the campaign from labor day to election day, flooding the zone with its messages and making the case against former president trump. >> okay, there will be 64 days to go as of labor day. thank you for that. let's go now to washington with nbc news campaign in bed alex. welcome. as we are ramping up edto the first presidential debate between vp harris and the former president, i am told you have some details on how team trump is preparing for this historic night. so what say you? >> well, alex, two trump campaign officials tell nbc news that the former president t famously does not like to be involved in a formal debate prep, in the sense that he doesn't like to stand behind a podium across from someone who is playing the vice president in sort of a mock debate setting, but what he does like to do instead is he gets on the phone. he called up his allies, his friends, and bounce ideas off nd of them. he workshops different lines of attack that he could use on the debate stage, to see if they

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might stick. but what is particularly interesting about his debate prep this time around is the involvement of tulsa gabbard. gabbard is the former democratic english woman who recently endorsed the former president, and is now also a part of his transition team. what is helpful about gabbard in this setting in particular is that she has been on the debate stage with vice president harris several times. the two are both ran for president in the democratic primary in 2020, so she has a lot more experience on the state with harris compared to even donald trump. but what we are told about gabbard's involvement in the preparation is that what she is trying to focus on with trump is helping him be able to pivot from a line of attack against harris and her policies to rr explaining a little bit more about how his policies would be more beneficial to the country e from their perspective, compared to his democratic counterpart. now, whether that actually turns out to be helpful debate prep, only time will tell.

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>> i guess we will see. and let me ask you, because last night the former president was still defending his actions at arlington national cemetery. what strikes you most about that? >> you are exactly right. he spoke at length about his visit there and his invitation from the gold star families, who had members of their familyr lost in the attack during the u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan.hd have a little bit of sound but i want to play for you here, and we can talk about it a little bit more on the other side. >> i stood with hedifferent people over different grass andp took pictures. i did not want to take pictures, i wanted to take them. if they wanted to take them. the former president of the united states is with them, they are very happy about that. >> so, what you hear him saying there is a only took pictures and made an appearance at the request of those gold star families, even though his campaign has posted different footage and photographs to

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their social media showing his appearance there, despite some pretty serious rules and laws that prohibit the use of at photography or footage for campaign purposes. on the grounds. but of course, the trump t campaign says they have done ai nothing wrong, that they were given permission to be there. but that aside, it has certainly opened the former president and his campaign up id to quite a bit of criticism, including, as we saw this morning, from the vice president herself. >> listen, permission to be there is one thing. taking videos is another. and that is the point that we keep on harnessing. thank you so much for that. lakota breaking news now, from overseas. the u.s. raid killed 15 isys fighters. several americans were injured. let's go to gary grumbach in rehobeth beach. >> this was a joint operation between u.s. central command and the iraqi security forces d themselves. a joint operation in the western part of the country, and when the forces went in to

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conduct this mission, we are told that the militants perhaps saw them coming. they seems to be prepared. they had grenades on them, theya have suicide belts on them, they were heavily armed. and when the dust all settled here, 15 isys militants were dead, and six u.s. service members were injured. we are told cethat these injuri are not life-threatening, thanks to the extent ieof an traumatic brain injuries. so that is the news there. the white house is not officially commented on this. we are waiting on that. >> let me ask you a question. do you know how much, or do we have a sense of the amount of isys activity that still continues, was still underway in iraq? >> so, we know there is a thing again amount of isys activity underway in iraq. it that is perhaps why there is more than 2500 members of the u.s. military still on the ground in the country. we are not sure if the 2500 were part of what happened here

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on thursday morning, but we do n know there is extensive activity of isis. and that is why missions like this are so important for the u.s. government. >> is there any discussion of pulling part or all of those 2500 out of iraq as they did in afghanistan? >> i think it is perhaps too early to tell here at this point. the president can be president from anywhere. he has president here in rehobeth beach while he is taking some downtime. we expect him to be on calls, be in meetings, be talking about perhaps the potential for more of that in the future. >> let me quickly pivot to ukraine. what can you tell us about the white house meeting on friday with ukrainian officials about continued support for the war against russia? >> yeah, national security advisor jake sullivan convened leaders, not the heads of state, but leaders in the government for some of our closest allies. france, the uk, ukraine, and the meeting largely focused on ways to strengthen ukraine in several different ways. first, in the air defense part of it. making sure they have what they need to be defended against the

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russian aggression. second, the energy grid. it is going to get cold in the winter in ukraine. and the u.s. and other allies want to make sure that ukraine has what it in needs to be able to fight on the front lines and to be able to live in ukraine safely. also investments in the defense industry and ukraine. this is sort of the teaching a man how to fish aspect of things. if they are able to create some of their own weapons, some of their own ammunition, perhaps they will need as much from other countries. that will benefit ukraine tremendously. because the u.s. has given more than 55 billion dollars in an support, both financially and militarily, since the russian aggression began. si so the u.s. is certainly looking for a long-standing peace between russia and ukraine, and for ukraine to ra maintain its sovereignty. >> okay, gary grumbach from rehobeth beach. i push it back, fmy friend. we're going to turn to politics, with a new report

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that says the trump campaign is living on a prayer. that is coming up later on. plus, two words i love to stay when i can. steve kornacki. he is talking about how the in race has shifted in north carolina. we are back in 90 inseconds. 9. and the flavor you love. so, here's to now... now available: boost max! sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪

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vice president kamala vice president kamala harris now eyeing victory in north carolina, as new polls give democrats hope for their first victory in that state since 2008. cook political report and now marking the state as a tossup, but how realistic are democrats chances? msnbc national correspondent

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steve kornacki is at the big board to break it all down for us. steve, what are we looking at here? >> all right, alex. the polar certainly indicating north carolina a battleground state here. you can see where it ended up in 2020, donald trump won the state. it was close. the margin was just over one point. just under 75,000 votes. and north carolina, among the battleground states we talk about this year, it is unique because all the others. arizona, michigan, pennsylvania, all of the others voted for joe biden in 2020. all of the other battleground states, it is the democrats trying to protect electoral college votes that they already won. in north carolina, it is democrats trying to play offense and take electoral votes from republicans. so, let's look at it from each party's perspective. first, for the democrats. why did they think they can flip north carolina? and if they do, what will do it? and the answer is, it is something we talk about nationally all the time.

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it is suburbs. it is metropolitan areas. areas around cities. you have the research triangle, the piedmont triad, where charlotte is, god to the mountains where asheville is. you see these blue areas here. in a couple things to note about them, these are areas that are getting bluer. so they already went for joe biden and the democrats in 2020, but let me show you what i mean. wake county, this is the biggest in the state here. biden won by 26 points, 27 points. go back to 2008 when barack obama, he actually won north carolina in 2008. it was by this much. but look, the biggest county in the state, obama won by 14 points in 2008. by 2020, look at this margin for democrats. that is a 27 point margin for democrats. so big counties like this are getting bluer. they are also getting bigger. they're adding population. democrats think that is a heck of accommodation. look, joe biden in 2020 came this close to beating donald trump. you then add in four years of population growth and four years

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of those metro areas getting bluer. asheville, greensboro, charlotte, raleigh, on and on. they think they can erase 75,000 votes right there. but, now let's take it from the republican perspective. why do they think they can hold on? is what i just described is not the only thing that is happening in north carolina. you also see all of the red on this map, from west to east, a lot of the counties are small counties. i just showed you the biggest in the state. let me show you something on the much, much smaller side. but it is going to indicate the other force that is playing out in north carolina politics. this is surry county. tiny, look at that. but look at the margin. donald trump carried it by 52 points in 2020 over joe biden. now, take a look. just as i said the metro areas were getting bluer, here is a rural county. look at the journey it is been on. we will go back to 2008. still a red county in 2008,

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below, the margin was 28 points for john mccain and the republicans in 2008. last time around, 2020, as i just showed you, 52. and that is not just happening in this one small county that we are putting up on the board here. it is happening in small counties like it all across the state. individually they are small, collectively they add up. and so, you have sort of what you would call a trump surge area and a lot of the red counties, and a democratic surge area in the blue counties. which one is going to be able to sort of turn out just enough votes for each side? that could decide not just north carolina, but the presidency, and there is one other x factor we want to mention here. you do see the swath of s÷blue. that wasn't suppojfz■to didn't but there is this swath of blue here. these are small counties. these are rural counties. and they are blue. why are they blue? because they have large african- american populations. and this is an interesting e note, because while these counties, you see most in this area are blue and did vote for joe biden in 2020.

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if you compare the margin that biden won by in the relative turnout he got in 2020, it's not at the level that barack obama got when he carried the state back in 2008. so, maybe that is the other x factor. we talk about the metro areas, we talk about the red republican rural counties. what about the large african- american populations in these small rural counties? can democrats get something like that enthusiasm they have for obama in 2008 out of these counties? that, in an extremely tight election, maybe could make the c difference and settle the tide between the other two forces we just talked about. >> okay, steve, thank you so much for all of that. now to preparations for the september 10th debate. in a new article that is getting a lot of attention, joining me now, hugo lowell. singapore correspondent for the guardian. hello, my friend. as of now, hugo, there will not be a live audience. microphones will be cut when a candidate is not speaking. and no written notes will be allowed. how does the trump campaign

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view all this? >> well, the trump guys are thrilled. the number of times i've uyhad text messages over the past week in all caps, saying cnn rules, cnn rules, i think it underscores the extent with which they were really adamant and really believe they needed the same rules as when trump es took on biden in that debate. and i think some of the reasons are kind of varied. there is obviously the element of they don't want trump saying things out of turn that might be too caustic for some voters, but i also think there is an element of the trump campaign thinking harris might have been particularly good at doing little quips and as the trump campaign calls it, having a sassiness. and i think they're worried it to an extent that that could throw trump off his game. so they are really happy that the debate is going forward with muted mics. >> i want to talk about your new article, which is trump campaign strategy pivots to praying he wednesday september debate. how did the september 10th face-

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off with harris evolve into something of a hail mary for trump and his campaign? >> yeah, i don't want to be flippant, but it is certainly true that in the last week and two weeks that i've spoken to the trump campaign at length about what their strategy is, about trying to take down kamala harris, trying to cut through the media cycle, they have really, i think, decided nothing they do between now and the debate is going to be lasting. so i don't want to say they are writing the next week or so off, but in effect, that is kind of what they are doing. i mean, they will never admit this publicly, they are always going to do their campaign stops and rallies, and trump has a very busy travel schedule. but the bottom line is, they know that nothing they do is going to cut through. as a result, they are looking at the debate and hoping that e trump has a good night on the debate stage. and that that can be a reset.

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it would be the latest reset in a number of resets they have tried on their hopeful, that this could be a thing that gives the gnomon -- them the momentum. >> a stunning approach shows the serious predicament for trump. explain his predicament. because we have seen it donald trump in debates. is his team confident that his performance will give his campaign the boost they are looking for? >> i think two things. number one, the predicament is that nothing they have tried to date in terms of trying to get harris or trying to talk about harris on policy, trying to knock her with regular attack lines on the campaign trail, nothing has really stuck. and they are really struggling to land effect of and consistent attacks. and that is ana concern that is acknowledged, frankly, at the top of the trump campaign. and so, in order to correct that, they are looking at the debate as a potential moment for trump to be able to get his message across. this has been the problem for the campaign, they have had a

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year and a half, two years of saying whatever they want and being able to get on tv, and getting into what they called in the earned media space, just like job problems, legal problems, the war-torn video of trump. now with 80 days to go in recent weeks, they have struggled to get through the media cycle. and the hope is at the debate, when he has his own time at the mics, he can deliver his attack lines and that can be broadcast to a national audience. >> you reporting also indicates that the trump campaign is nervous about the remarkable enthusiasm that harris and walz are generating. what kinds of conversations are happening on team trump because of this? >> the honest truth is there is not very much, because there is not very much they can do. h i think there was a lot of complaining, but it has also been a very turbulent week for the trump campaign. if you look at how it all started with the arlington

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national cemetery debacle, someone on the trump team texted me earlier this week and said only we could screw up a campaign stop that was effectively giftwrapped for us. all we had to do is have a successful event with no controversy and we could have milked it. it would actually ended up happening was the entire message they were trying to send, that trump was plugged nd military and pro-veteran got overshadowed by his team pushing aside military officials and calling them deranged, and saying that the official at the cemetery had mental problems. and that's a whole life of its own. so they are playing defense, even when they were supposed to be playing offense. >> yeah, the army had issue a comment about it. i was talking with colonel jack jacobs about it, he said that t, is extremely rare that that would happen. that was kind of a fail. anyway, hugo lowell, good to see you, my friend. you're going to hear from a young and fast growing group of voters. when they say they don't feel seen or heard by either candidate. that is next.

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evan, my guy! you're helping them with savings, right? (♪♪) i wish i had someone like evan when i started. somebody just got their first debit card! ice cream on you? ooo, tacos! i got you. wait hold on, don't you owe me money? what?! your money is a part of your community, so your bank should be too. like, chase! sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ stuck at the dmv, and i think i'm late on my car insurance. good thing the general gives you a break with flexible payment options. let's get you a break while you wait. what is this place? this is our dmvip. vending machine charcuterie? for a great low rate, go with the general.

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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. for a great low rate, "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.

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new insight new insight into a fast- growing young group of voters, both democrats and republicans agree they needed to win the right house. latino voters are being courted in this election, but many say they don't feel seen or heard i either donald trump or kamala harris. >> all of you in this group are from hispanic or latino backgrounds. by a show of fingers, who feels as though the harris campaign

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is paying a lot of attention to you and hispanic communities in your state? do any of you feel that way? none of you? okay. by a show of fingers, who feels as though the trump campaign is paying a lot of attention to you and the hispanic community in your state? one of you. >> let's bring in christina ramirez, the executive director of met jen america, and the nation's largest youth voting rights organization. christina, welcome. those latino voters were participating in a focus group. most say neither candidate is paying attention to them. what are the harrison trump campaigns doing wrong, and how can they better reach latino voters? >> what is important to know about the latino vote is that

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we are an extremely young voting block. the most common age for a white american is 55. for an african-american it is 27. for a latino american it is 11. so a lot of our voting power is actually in gen z, where we make up 22% of the eligible 40 million gen z voters. so we have seen an uptick with kamala harris becoming a candidate, in fact, a double- digit increase from biden's numbers with latino voters. but there is still a lot of ground to make. a lot of people ask me are latino voters republican or democrat? and i say a large portion of us are neither. we are poor. 43% of us make under $15 an hour. our community is struggling to afford the cost of living. so i think people are starting to hear the message of the harris campaign on her vision for an economic opportunity. but there needs to be a lot more money and time spent reaching the latino community to make sure they understand just how deep this investment will be to their families and the community. >> 100%, that all makes sense. when it comes to top policy concerns for latino voters,

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polls suggest they are pretty much the same to other voting groups. things like jobs and the economy. to the point you were just making. that being also more so than integration. do you agree with that? >> yeah, i mean, the piece you just showed, jenny medina's piece in the new york times was an excellent piece. i grew up with the latino community. i work in texas. one in five latinos live in our state. people have long thoughts on both sides of the political aisle that they only have to speak to immigration. there are many in our community that are new to the united states, but we also live in a duality that we are a community that have lived in the united states before it was even constructed as an idea or a country. or as a project. so, we are like everybody else, we are struggling with economic and rising costs. we want good, living wage jobs. we want to be able to afford for our children to have great education and also access to healthcare. so that is where i do think kamala's position, on her vision for economic opportunity

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, it will resonate with the latino community, because we are just like everybody else. >> yeah, and there is another important group of voters that you know very well. the young voters. there is a recent usa today suffolk university poll, which finds kamala harris has a solid lead over donald trump, with voters 18-34 years old. what changes have you noticed with these voters since harris took over the democratic ticket? >> yeah, so next-gen america is the country's largest youth voter mobilization organization. we have conducted our own polling and saw 78% of young democrats saying they were excited to vote for her because she was the candidate. we are seeing huge increases across the board of people excited to vote in this election, and a double-digit increase over trump with the youth vote, which is so critical to win. we had the highest youth voter turnout in 2020, which helped elect biden and harris and defeat donald trump. this voting block will be critical this election, and i

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can tell you, we are on 100 college campuses right now, and i was just in pennsylvania last week. how excited young people were to register and pledge to vote. i can tell you, that was not the case in the spring. we are seeing a huge surge of energy for young people across the country. >> what is that about? i mean, what is inspiring gen x and millennial voters to get out the vote? >> i think what we are seeing with young voters, there is an excitement, one because she is able to punch back at donald trump on the issues that matter to them. whether it is climate change, abortion, defending democracy and lgbtq rights. and, this is a very diverse generation. this is the most racially diverse generation, so to have a woman of color that is able to connect with them culturally, whether it is through using an uplifting the music of beyonci, or megan the stallion, this is exciting young people because they feel seen and heard by her candidacy. so that across the board, i can tell you from being out and

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talking to young people across the country, that means so much to them. >> let me quickly ask you about a pretty concerning story unfolding in your state of texas, where authorities searched the homes of latino campaign volunteers over alleged election fraud. can you tell us what is happening and your reaction? >> yeah, i think what people need to understand, in texas, latinos make up 40% of the states population. we are now the largest ethnic group. we make up half of those turning 18 in the state. so we are now becoming a huge voting block, it in the largest battleground state in the country. and from our governor to our attorney general, to our previous secretary of state, they are doing everything in their power to bend and break the rules, to intimidate us and dilute the power of our vote. so they have rated latino voter homes. and not just any latino voter homes. these are people who have advocated. you have 87-year-old latina olivia martinez, a long- standing latino civil rights organization was born here in

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texas because of things like this. and oppressing arvo. they rated her home. nine officers in the morning for an 87-year-old woman, taking her phone, questioning herself about her relationship. and why did they search for home? because she filed a complaint that elder latino voters were not getting the assistance needed to cast their ballots. you have had latino elected candidates running for office having their homes rated. it is intended to have a chilling effect. i want people to know that this has been in place in texas for several years, that in 2016, when we had a surge of latino voters turning out and voting for hillary clinton, the next few months after that the appointed new secretary of state by governor abbott since 100,000 letters to mostly latino voters telling them that they were committing voter fraud, that they were not registered and eligible voters. which turned out to be all a sham.

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and that secretary of state had to resign. they were naturalized citizen latino voters who had a right to vote. this is intended to keep the battleground state of texas held republican, because they needed nationally to hold the power. >> i tell you, that is deplorable, that last story. christina ramirez, always good to talk with you. thank you so much. new information about the harris vibe shift. that is coming up. n's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky, gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression,

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is been is been the summer of travel. new records being shattered this labor day weekend, with the cost of travel down from last year, and a gallon of gas cheaper, as well. millions are heading out of town to enjoy the unofficial end of summer. we are going to go right now to nbc's adrienne broaddus at one of the nation's busiest airports, chicago o'hare. hey, adrian, i know you have been talking with travelers there. are things running smoothly? they were a couple of hours ago, so fingers crossed. >> fingers crossed that this trend continues, because at least here in chicago, things are running smoothly. by now, alex, millions of travelers have made it to their destination. but of course, everyone did not have the luxury of leaving before today. right now the average wait time for general borders here at chicago o'hare is about 15 minutes, and it is less if you are using tsa precheck. now, a short time ago we did speak with a traveler who told me he was surprised by the lines he encountered.

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listen in. >> busy. it's heavy right now. there's a lot of traffic. >> were you expecting it to be this busy? >> i was exciting it to be a little bit lighter today, because i stated everybody to be going yesterday. right? >> it was busier yesterday, but we have seen the things ebb and flow today. as we mentioned, things are moving smoothly. now, aaa says the best time to travel to avoid heavy traffic early in the morning and in the evenings. at least 17 million americans are expected to travel for this labor day holiday. we just looked at the numbers a moment ago, and i want to share them with you. right now across the country there are 2436 delays, and about 189 cancellations. we are talking about flights coming into and out of the u.s. aaa also says bookings this year are up by nearly 9%, and that

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is compared to this time last year. we are talking about rental cars, hotels, and cruises. but, on the flipside, there is a decrease when it comes to the price that consumers are paying . that is down by 2%. now, we don't want to leave those folks out who are traveling by car. they have seen some relief at the pump. for example, in atlanta, gas prices are about $3.25 per gallon, and that is below the national average of $3.34. when you add it all up and compared to this time last year, that is a $.50 decrease. so, every penny counts. right now things are moving smoothly. folks are prepared to enjoy this labor day weekend. but they do have to return home, and that is when we will see things pick up again, alex. >> yeah, very possibly. look at you, a fount of information on all fronts. thank you very much, adrienne broaddus. new numbers show the vibe shift for kamala harris is very real.

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a a new study confirms the enthusiasm around kamala harris's presidential campaign is no sugar high. the analysis answers whether the harris vibe shift could translate to low propensity voters showing up for her on election day. the answer appears to be a resounding yes. showing an astonishing increase in voter registration since she became the nominee, especially among young black and latino women. joining me now is tom bonior, he is the ceo of target smart, which produced that study. tom, welcome. this analysis started on july 21st. that is the day president biden announced he was stepping down. in those 13 states you surveyed, voter registration among young black women shot up an incredible 175% compared to four years ago. registration for young latinas up 150%. have you ever seen changes in

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voter registration anywhere close to this? and do you think these voters are more likely to show up and vote on election day? >> simply put, i haven't. two years ago after the dobbs decision happened, we saw something, you used the word astonishing. i think it is the perfect word to describe what we are saying. we saw something astonishing at that point, where we saw these surges of women, especially young women registering to vote in the aftermath of the dobbs decision. at that point i have been analyzing political data for almost 30 years. i have never seen anything like it. i was certain i would never see anything like it again. and here we are, as you mentioned, this analysis starting on july 21st when president biden withdrew from the race. now we are seeing numbers, registration numbers and these types of increases that are actually exceeding the numbers that we saw two years ago. so, to put that in context, again, 30 years, i would suggest you could go back even further, likely, and you wouldn't find anything like that.

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you ask if these voters are likely to turn out. well, we know, statistically, that people who register to vote in cycle, especially those who register to vote closer to election day, actually tend to have a much higher turnout rate than all other voters, including those who have been registered for quite some time. so, the likelihood is that these voters will be turning out in november. >> okay, so based on all you said, i think the word astonishing actually is apropos. to these 15 states that you study, they include both red and blue states, as well as the battleground states of michigan, wisconsin, north carolina. did you see the same trends along all of these states? >> that is the other incredibly unusual thing here, we know we are very polarized country in so many ways, and we see very different political trends, whether we are talking about a blue state, a red state, or a so-called purple state, a swing state. what we have seen in this analysis, as we look at this analysis, and you are sharing the states we were looking at. it is a pretty even mix of very red, so-called republican states

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, very safe democratic states from a presidential perspective, and these swing states. but the one thing they have in common is this massive increase in registration, led by women, especially young women, and especially young women of color. >> so, there is a new gallup poll but finds democratic voter enthusiasm jumped a full 23 points for harris since she went to the top of the ticket. most states don't provide political party affiliation in the registration information, but do you believe most of these new voters will support harris and democrats on election day? i mean, i guess the question should be asked to this way. what is driving this surge? is it in enthusiasm for harris? is it outreach by democratic groups? is it both? >> yeah, it is really all of the above sort of thing. you mentioned that gallup poll, that is really remarkable, as well. because that gap, not only do we see the massive 20 point

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surge that you mentioned, but the gap in terms of what republicans are reporting and what democrats are reporting is actually bigger than it has been going back to even 2008, when we know democrats had a massive advantage in president obama's first campaign. what is driving this? a lot of it is organic. we have seen that organic intensity and enthusiasm among people, especially younger voters, who frankly were not very engaged in this presidential election prior to july 21st. they have just engaged on their own. but we are also seeing up residential campaign and the harris walz campaign but is really firing on all cylinders, that is engaging with these younger voters, engaging with women, really engaging across the country. so you're saying the result, i think, from a lot of different directions. which is really fueling this massive increase in registration. >> it is absolutely extraordinary. tom bonior, ceo of target smart. thank you so much for joining. perhaps it will bring you back again to bring us another study. a story you will want to see if you are spending time

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growing concern growing concern this holiday weekend over the threat of mosquito borne viruses, including the west nile strain, which typically peaks now, late august and early september, as well as the lesser-known ieee virus. joining me now is antonio hamilton, what if you heard about the spread and how to combat it? >> well, there is rising concern here in the new york northeast, but actually in multiple parts of the country right now. there've only been a handful of cases of tripoli, but that is an incredibly understating illness, one that leads to major neurological and physical issues, and even one death here in the u.s. but with west nile, that is the one the more people are concerned about right now. 289 cases, according to the cdc, across 33 states. that includes places like

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texas, nebraska, nevada, as well. and people are concerned, just to new jersey yesterday we heard that there'd been two additional deaths. that brings the total up to five. i wanted to take a listen to one dr. and medical director talking about the steps everyone can take right now. >> there are some things you can do to reduce your risk of mosquito-borne illness, like wearing long sleeves, wearing mosquito repellent, and staying indoors. it is a good reminder to try to control mosquitoes in your community and yard, as well. if you do notice there is a lot of standing water in your yard or somewhere in your community, i think it is important to try to control that. >> and all it takes is one bite from one mosquito. so, if you are heading into the woods, if you are headed to a national park, if you are planning to swim by a lake this weekend, you definitely want to be careful. as he said, wearing long sleeves. even if it is hot outside, making sure that your spray has something like beat in it. that

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really will keep the mosquitoes off of you. and just keeping an eye out. keeping both your kids and your pets safe so that you can enjoy the holiday weekend but not end up dealing with any of these very, very serious illnesses. >> yeah, it is frightening, given that it is one mosquito, and we talk about lyme disease, same kind of thing. one tick can deliver that, as well. long sleeves, bug spray, repellent, got it. thank you so much for all that advice. it is very important, particularly right now. that's going to do it for me on this edition of alex witt reports. i look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. eastern. up next, the beat weekend. welcome to welcome to the beat weekend. let's get right into the headlines. jack smith new trump indictment for the january 6th who has

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